Doctor assisted suicide is not morally
acceptable in today's society. The Christian community and those
in the medical world share a deep belief that this is true.
People in the Christian community
do not agree that doctor assisted suicide is the way to go. Many
people have been brought up to believe the Bible is the infallible word
of God. They believe the Bible when it says, “Thou shalt not commit
murder.” Suicide, doctor assisted or not, is murder of oneself.
There are no exceptions attached to this command. There is also a
scripture that says "the Lord gives [life] and the Lord takes away.”
It does not say doctor in there, it says Lord, as in God.
Doctor assisted suicide is a
hard topic to deal with even among the Christian community. Christians
are people who do care about their fellow man and empathize with what they
go through. Nobody likes to see anyone go through the agony that
these people must endure. Many Christians have become ill to the
point where they plead with God to let them die. However, there comes
a time in their illness when they have the strength to submit and say,
“Thy will be done Lord.” It's a hard place to come to in any situation,
especially when dealing with death and illness.
Jesus, Himself, before he was
crucified, knowing all the pain He was about to endure, prayed “God if
it be your will take this cup from me, but nevertheless thy will be done.”
He was whipped, spit on, mocked and crucified. Christians remember
the agony He went through and try to "be conformed to the image of Christ,"
in their illnesses. Paul, one of the greatest apostles, had some
affliction that is not named, but many Bible scholars believed it may have
been cancer or something similar. He prayed three times for it to be taken
from him, but God spoke to him saying “My grace is sufficient for you.”
In weakness, we are able to draw strength from God. These trials
are what shape and mold us into what we become later in life.
A friend of our family, by the
name of Joshua, has spina bifida. It is a disease that should have
already killed him, due to its severity. He has had countless surgeries
on his back and in his brain to keep battling this disease. He is
seventeen today, and when he was first brought over from Korea they said
he would not live to be twelve. It is through prayer and the grace
of God that he is still alive. Yet, throughout this whole ordeal,
no one has ever suggested that he be allowed to die. He and his parents
are devout Christians and they believe that Joshua has a special mission
on this earth. He has been selected as a representative to go to
Washington, and has appeared before the legislature in Hawaii on behalf
of assisted technology for challenged people. He has a strong spirit
and the courage of a Olympic champion, all in a small broken body in a
CREDITS to: Doctor Assisted Suicide (page is no longer there - sorry)