The Pekingese FAQ (Pe-kan-ez) v1.3 (update 3/19/07) Author: Steve Reed ( Currently the owner of Four Pekingese: Sugar - Female, All White, Breast Cancer Survivor Summer - Female - Lots of hair Toby Mac - Male - thinks he is still a puppy. In Memory of "CC" - 1991 - 2/27/02 Major Supports: Robin Carlstrom Table of Contents 1. History 2. Characteristics 3. Standards 4. Health/Medical Problems 5. Misc. Rambling 6. Famous People and Pekingese 7. Questions and Answers _____________ 1. HISTORY The Pekingese or 'Peke' is truly an 'IMPERIAL' dog, with a history dating back as far as 2000 B.C. For Centuries the Pekingese was worshipped in the temples of China, and was custom for the emperor to select four Pekes who were to become his 'bodyguards'. These four Pekes would precede the emperor on occasions of state, two of them announcing his approach at correct intervals with sharp, piecing barks, the other two daintily holding the hem of his royal robe in their mouths. THEFT of a Peke, or Injury to one of them was considered to be a crime punishable by DEATH. In 1898 the first Pekingese came to America. They were admitted to the A.K.C. registry in 1906. Pekingese has since been extremely popular in the USA, ranking in the top 25 on the AKC's registrations listing. __________________________________________ 1a. History from Pekingese Club of America The following is a history printed in the Pekingese Club of America Yearbook from 1992. It was written by a (now deceased) well-known (both California and Connecticut) breeder, Alice Wilson. I think it has a fair bit of detail in it which I think is interesting: A Brief History of the Pekingese Dog by Alice Wilson We have all read many interesting histories of our beloved Pekingese, most of them going back to the old legend of the lion who fell in love with a marmoset. In order for him to be wedded to his lady love, the lion begged the patron saint of the animals, name Ah Chu, to reduce him to the size of a pigmy but to let him retain his great lion heart and character. From the offspring of this union descended the dogs Fu Lin, or the Lion Dog of China. They became the special pets of the Chinese Emperors, and these likenesses were found in art of all kinds - screens, vases, pottery, and sculpture. Dogs of this description were mentioned in the time of Confucius, and in the first century they told of "little dogs" which were "very short-legged with flowing tails and ears." They were the constant companions of the Emperor, and as he made his way to the audience room, many of the little fellows led the procession, announcing his arrival with sharp little barks for all lesser mortals to avert their faces. (At night they carried little lanterns strapped to their necks.) More little dogs followed, holding their heads high and carrying in their mouths the Emperor's train. They were held in such affection and esteem by their masters that they were often given titles such as "Viceroy" or "Imperial Guardsmen". It was during the Tao Kuang period (1821-1851) that the breeding of these little dogs - now called Pekingese - reached its height. Records of pedigrees were never kept, but Imperial Dog Books, illustrated with the most admired dogs, were used as a standard, and breeding was the subject of much thought and many elaborate theories. Prenatal impression was the method most in vogue. Mothers were taken several times daily to see pictures and sculptures of the most beautiful dogs, and then colors desired were hung in their sleeping quarters, and they slept on sheepskins to suggest a profuse coat. Spectacle marks around the eyes, in keeping with the huge horn-rimmed spectacles worn by officials and the literate, were desired, as to confer a look of wisdom and learning. All-white dogs - partly because of rarity and partly from the fact that white is the color of mourning in China - were greatly prized and the subject of much superstition. When one appeared, it was believed to be the spirit of some great man and was generally kept in the Temple and treated with profound respect. During the reign of Empress Dowager Tsu Hsi (known as "Old Buddha"), in order to gain prestige, she surrounded herself with diminutive "lion dogs," insisting that their resemblance to the lion be as close as possible. The great Lama Buddha was always accompanied by a small pet dog which, at will, became a lion on whose back the Buddha rode through the heavens, with power to call from his fingertips tiny lions which, in the hour of need, became great beasts and attacked his enemies. It then became even more important that the little dogs have more feathering and a greater width of muzzle. A white spot on the forehead was a feature greatly prized, as the traditional lion was represented as holding an embroidered ball between his feet. Embroidered balls were always the playthings given the young dogs - and so they are today! In 1860, when Allied troops occupied Peking, five dogs were found in a secluded corner of the Summer Palace beside their attendants, who had committed suicide rather than be captured. Admiral Lord John Hay and another naval officer each took two. The fifth was taken by General Dunne, who later presented her to Queen Victoria, who christened her "Looty." Looty's portrait by a distinguished painter still hangs in Windsor Castle. The two little Pekes who found their home with the Duchess of Richmond were given the prefix "Goodwood" and were the foundation of the breed in England. In 1896 Mrs. Douglas Murray made a sensational appearance with the two finest specimens yet seen. Her husband, who had large business interests in China, had succeeded, with much patience and wire-pulling, in obtaining them. These two were later famous throughout the Pekingese world as "Ah Cum" and "Mimosa." Knowing nothing of any other kennels, Mrs. Murray was astonished one day to be chased down the street by Lady Algernon Gordon-Lennox who, in passing, had caught a glimpse of the two Pekes. These two ladies later joined forces, and to them jointly goes the honor of producing the first English Champion, "Ch. Goodwood Lo." The next Champion was "Ch. Goodwood Chum," and these two, fortunately, were terrific sires and were an incalculable influence on the breed. In 1898 a standard of points was drawn up, and in 1904 the Pekingese Club of England was founded. About this time the Alderbourne Kennel was started by Mrs. Clarice Ashton-Cross and her four daughters on a combination of Goodwood-Murray-Manchu and the Broadoak-Goodwin-Pekin-Prince blood lines. It was destined to e one of the greatest English kennels and put the stamp of the Alderbourne name in all the finest pedigrees. The impetus given by the founding of the Pekingese Club and the establishment of Peke classes at dog shows gave a remarkable value to the dogs. Breeders of all sorts flocked into the game, some either ignorant or indifferent to the standard originally established. The Pekingese Palace Dog Club was soon formed to protect this standard. In spite of the limitations imposed by this Club (a 10-lb. weight limit and a policy of quality rather than quantity), it prospered and has impressed its policy on its members (and even today many English Champions are under 10 lbs.). With the Empress Dowager's death in 1911, the long reign of the Pekingese in China came to an end. Rather than let the little dogs fall into unworthy hands, the court officials killed the great majority of them; the few that escaped disappeared into private homes, leaving no trace. But the breed was now firmly established in the west, so it was not lost. In 1921 there began the curious paradox of returning breeding stock to China. But again these were lost during the Communist Revolution. Thus, to the original looting of the Palace and carrying away a few of these little dogs we owe the survival of our wonderful Pekingese breed. Originally, in old China dogs were kept for what they were intended - either for hunting, guard, sheep dogs or palace pets - yet without the spur of showing and the skill and work of dedicated Pekingese lovers, we should not have the Pekingese of today, far more beautiful and hardy than the original Chinese. "They are a triumph of cultivation; the gardeners of the Summer Palace who curled the chrysanthemum petals and gently coaxed the peony buds into full flower would have understood." - Alice Wilson was a highly respected breeder/judge well-known for her WEST WINDS PEKES in Wilson, Connecticut. ______________________ 2. Characteristics LOVABLE, PROUD, VERY BOLD, QUAINTNESS, IRRESISTIBLE Pekingese are very lovable, Not bad tempered like many people had been led to believe. Pekingese are happy to please, Suspicious of strangers. The Pekingese is also known as the 'Lion Dog', with their full mane, and pear shaped body they do resemble the king of the jungle. It is often said, should the Peke meet his namesake, the Lion, he may be undaunted, he has no fear of animals many times his size. (Let me add that my Male Peke (C.C.) has proven this MANY times over, Chasing away German Shepherds out of our yard, The Rottweiler down the street, The two noisy Schnauzers across the street, Even took off after TWO full size Doberman's at the same time. A few other less fierce breeds, but I think you get the idea.) Pekingese make GREAT watchdogs, they barks at any unusual noise, BUT never bark, just to be barking. They are Not 'Yippee' Dogs. Pekes Love to romp and play, Take long Walks, or just sit quietly by your side for hours. Our two females Sugar and Summer both love to just lay in the hot sun, instead of the shade when outside. Pekes Love all the attention they can get, although they are very happy sharing affection to other pekes. Pekes are hardy little dogs, with the stamina much greater than their size. Most Pekes have very clean habits, and love getting groomed. Most are unhappy if their coats get dirty. (This is very true with our Male Peke-C.C. He even hates to Go outside when it's raining, Even on walks in the woods when we come to streams C.C. will try his hardest to find the path over the stream to remain dry, walking on small stones crossing the streams. But 'SUGAR' our Female is the one that will look for the deepest part to cross and jump in, then find the closest MUD puddle and ROLL in it. Did I mention she is a WHITE Peke?) Pekes Love to show off, Standing up as tall as they can, stretching their paws upwards towards you, and speaking for your attention. They use there paws in Play a GREAT deal like kittens. (When 'SUGAR' is bored and 'C.C' is asleep, she will walk right up to him, and start pawing his head, until he responds, then 'SUGAR' is ready to rough it up with C.C. 'SUGAR' is the female but ALWAYS the one who starts the Long sessions of rough-housing) Pekes walk with a side-to-side rolling gait, trying to distribute it's weight evenly on its short legs. They are very fun to watch run or walk towards you. They are extremely beautiful runners, with there long hair, waving in the wind. Pekingese are usually very devoted mothers. _________________ 3. Standards No matter if you want to Breed, Show or just want a house pet, you should be award of the breeds standards. General Appearance The Pekingese is a well-balanced, compact dog of Chinese origin with a heavy front and lighter hindquarters. Its temperament is one of directness, independence and individuality. Its image is lionlike, implying courage, dignity, boldness and self-esteem rather than daintiness or delicacy. Size, Substance, Proportion Size/Substance - The Pekingese, when lifted, is surprisingly heavy for its size. It has a stocky, muscular body. All weights are correct within the limit of 14 pounds. Disqualification: Weight over 14 pounds. Proportion - Overall balance is of utmost importance. The head is large in proportion to the body. The Pekingese is slightly longer than tall when measured from the forechest to the buttocks. The overall outline is an approximate ratio of 3 high to 5 long. Head Face - The topskull is massive, broad and flat and, when combined with the wide set eyes, cheekbones and broad lower jaw, forms the correctly shaped face. When viewed from the front, the skull is wider than deep, which contributes to the desired rectangular, envelope-shaped appearance of the head. In profile, the face is flat. When viewed from the side, the chin, nose leather and brow all lie in one plane, which slants very slightly backward from chin to forehead. Ears - They are heart-shaped, set on the front corners of the topskull, and lie flat against the head. The leather does not extend below the jaw. Correctly placed ears, with their heavy feathering and long fringing, frame the sides of the face and add to the appearance of a wide, rectangular head. Eyes - They are large, very dark, round, lustrous and set wide apart. The look is bold, not bulging. The eye rims are black and the white of the eye does not show when the dog is looking straight ahead. Nose - It is broad, short and black. Nostrils are wide and open rather than pinched. A line drawn horizontally over the top of the nose intersects slightly above the center of the eyes. Wrinkle - It effectively separates the upper and lower areas of the face. It is a hair-covered fold of skin extending from one cheek over the bridge of the nose in a wide inverted V to the other cheek. It is never so prominent or heavy as to crowd the facial features, obscure more than a small portion of the eyes, or fall forward over any portion of the nose leather. Stop - It is obscured from view by the over-nose wrinkle. Muzzle - It is very flat, broad, and well filled-in below the eyes. The skin is black on all colors. Whiskers add to the desired expression. Mouth - The lower jaw is undershot and broad. The black lips meet neatly and neither teeth nor tongue show when the mouth is closed. Neck, Body, Tail Neck - It is very short and thick. Body - It is pear-shaped, compact and low to the ground. It is heavy in front with well-sprung ribs slung between the forelegs. The forechest is broad and full without a protruding breastbone. The underline rises from the deep chest to the lighter loin, thus forming a narrow waist. The topline is straight and the loin is short. Tail - The high set tail is slightly arched and carried well over the back, free of kinks or curls. Long, profuse, straight fringing may fall to either side. Forequarters They are short, thick and heavy-boned. The bones of the forelegs are moderately bowed between the pastern and elbow. The broad chest, wide set forelegs and the closer rear legs all contribute to the correct rolling gait. The distance from the point of the shoulder to the tip of the withers is approximately equal to the distance from the point of the shoulder to the elbow. Shoulders are well laid back and fit smoothly onto the body. The elbows are always close to the body. Front feet are turned out slightly when standing or moving. The pasterns slope gently. Hindquarters They are lighter in bone than the forequarters. There is moderate angulation of stifle and hock. When viewed from behind, the rear legs are reasonably close and parallel, and the feet point straight ahead when standing or moving. Coat & Presentation Coat - It is a long, coarse-textured, straight, stand-off outer coat, with thick, soft undercoat. The coat forms a noticeable mane on the neck and shoulder area with the coat on the remainder of the body somewhat shorter in length. A long and profuse coat is desirable providing it does not obscure the shape of the body. Long feathering is found on toes, backs of the thighs and forelegs, with longer fringing on the ears and tail. Presentation - Presentation should accentuate the natural outline of the Pekingese. Any obvious trimming or sculpting of the coat, detracting from its natural appearance, should be severely penalized. Color All coat colors and markings are allowable and of equal merit. A black mask or a self-colored face is equally acceptable. Regardless of coat color the exposed skin of the muzzle, nose, lips and eye rims is black. Gait It is unhurried, dignified, free and strong, with a slight roll over the shoulders. This motion is smooth and effortless and is as free as possible from bouncing, prancing or jarring. The rolling gait results from a combination of the bowed forelegs, well laid back shoulders, full broad chest and narrow light rear, all of which produce adequate reach and moderate drive. Temperament A combination of regal dignity, intelligence and self-importance make for a good natured, opinionated and affectionate companion to those who have earned its respect. Disqualification Weight over 14 pounds. The foregoing is a description of the ideal Pekingese. Any deviation should be penalized in direct proportion to the extent of that deviation. Approved: January 13, 2004 Effective: March 2, 2004 THE FOREGOING IS A DESCRIPTION OF THE IDEAL PEKINGESE. Any deviation should be penalized in direct proportion to the extent of that deviation. FAULTS TO BE NOTED: * Dudley, liver or grey nose * Light brown, yellow, or blue eyes * Protruding tongue or teeth * Overshot upper jaw * Wry mouth * Ears set much too high, low or far back * Roach or sway back * Straight-boned forelegs POINTS: Expression ....................5 Skull.........................10 Nose ..........................5 Eyes...........................5 Stop ..........................5 Ears...........................5 Muzzle ........................5 Shape of Body.................20 Legs & Feet ..................15 Coat, Feather & Condition.....10 Tail ..........................5 Action........................10 TOTAL ...........100 ** Here's a few extras I found: ** Expression: Must suggest the Chinese origin of the Pekingese in its quaintness and individuality, resemblance to the lion in directions and independence and should imply courage, boldness, self-esteem and combativeness rather than prettiness, daintiness or delicacy. Small, well-balanced thickset dog Actions: Fearless, free and strong, with slight roll. Mane: Profuse, extending beyond shoulder blades, forming ruff or frill round the neck. Colors: All colors are allowable: Red, fawn, black, black and tan, sable, brindle, white and parti-color well defined black mask, (WHITE is the exception), spectacles around the eyes, with lines to ears are desirable. Parti-color: (Defined) The coloring of a parti-colored dog must be broken on the body. No large portion of any one color should exist. White should be shown on the saddle. A dog of any solid color with white feet and chest is NOT a pari-color dog. Size: A toy dog, medium size is preferred, extreme limit: 14 pounds ________ 4. Health Heat: Because of their profuse coat, they tend to not take heat too well. The heavier the coat, the greater the problem. Show dogs are often provided with ice packs to rest on because of the travel and varying climate conditions at show sites. However, for the average owner, I would urge caution during hot summer months when combining sun & a lot of exercise. They do love to sit in "sun squares" in your house until they are panting! I would also caution against any dog being locked in a car, but this is especially true for Pekes. I think the statistics say that on a 70 degree day, the temperature in a closed car can reach 110 in 5 minutes. Cracking the windows is not enough ventilation, and your dog will get heatstroke VERY quickly and die. PLEASE consider this when wanting to take your dog with you. Conditioning of Coats: The most important part of obtaining a good show coat is nutrition, exercise, and proper grooming. This goes for Non-show dogs as well as show dogs. Elderly people buy Pekes believing that they need little exercise this is very wrong, Pekes LOVE to run and romp in large open yards or field, not afraid to get wet, or dig in the mud. But Pekes can do well in a smaller space, BUT do need a place to run. Most love to run around the house chasing each other, as well as outdoors. Owning more than one Peke is great, they just love to run, and run and chase each other. Our smallest 'Summer' will run until she is out of breath. (For some strange reason 'SUGAR' will take a few laps around my strawberry patch outside for no apparent reason, it's so funny). A SECURE environment (fenced yard) for them to do just that can work very well rather than having to walk them. Therefore, they can be a great companion for an elderly person unable to take long walks. Births -Natural, or sometimes Caesarean, because of there anatomical structures ----------------- 5. Misc rambling "You're not truly loved, until you're loved by a Pekingese" You can't own a Peke, they Own you. It's said that once someone owns a Peke- they are never without a Peke Pekingese are not as other dogs-Just like Goldfish are not as other fish Pekingese playing on the lawn give a quality to the garden as do peacocks and swans. "There are dogs, there are cats, then there are Pekingese." T.S. Eliot ______________________________ 6. Famous People and Pekingese Shirley Temple as a child was often seen with her pet Pekingese Loretta Swit Elizabeth Taylor Betty White The ONLY dog to survive the sinking of the Titanic, was a said to be a Pekingese! ________________________ 7. Questions and Answers Q. I've heard that Pekingese are loud sleepers? A. It is very true that Peke SNORE, and SNEEZE. It is because of what man, through the ages, have done to their noses, Q. Don't Pekingese hate the outside? A. I haven't noticed, Pekingese can race, even hurdle, they retrieve, swim, and are MORE hardy than many Bigger dogs, walking in ANY weather, snow, rain, mud, and sleet. Q. I've always been told Pekes are vicious, they will always bite. A. Obviously from people who NEVER owned or know a Pekingese. Pekingese are GREAT watchdogs, they are extremely ALERT, but they do NOT attack people at will, Mine have NEVER even snapped at a stranger, Q. I heard Pekingese eyes 'POP OUT', or they go blind. A. Sure Pekingese eye stick out there, But it would take an extremely hard blow to the back of the head to make their eyes pop out. Their eyes do itch them sometimes, and I've never met a blind Peke. But because their eyes are protruding, they are more subject to damage than other breeds with more recessed eyes. Immediate care and careful following of recommended treatment usually clears the problem. Ignoring the problem in early stages can cause the loss of an eye. Q. People say Pekingese don't live long. A. This is far from the truth, with proper care and love, your Pekingese will live 12-15 yrs maybe longer. Q. What about a BLUE Pekingese? A. I've heard of a Blue Pekingese bred by 'the Alderbourne Kennel', even had a blue nose, but I couldn't find out the year or anymore info Q. What are all the available colors for pekingese? A. All colors are allowable: Red, fawn, black, black and tan, sable, brindle, white and parti-color well defined black mask, (WHITE is the exception about the FULL Mask Q. Which color is the most popular, and which one is the most "precious"? A. I'm not sure of the most popular color, Flipping through many Pekingese books, and magazine, I didn't notice any one color more than the other. Maybe the Sable or Tan. The most precious? I'd say the all WHITE, often called 'the sacred white pekingese'. Q. The pekingese hair keeps coming off, anything that we can do to help? Is this a health problem? A. Yes you can and should groom your Pekingese DAILY, We use a shedding comb, or small child hair brush, which works great, They also preferred The bristles with the small rounded ends. I don't see this as a health problem. I brush them and pet them at the same time, make grooming more fun and relaxing. Q. Do pekingese get along well with other dogs? Like a Pomeranian? How about another pekingese? A. Each dog may be different, depending on how he/she was raised, MOST will stand they ground with other dogs, Males, more so than females. I've never had any trouble with Pekingese getting alone with Pekingese. A pack of Pekes will normally snap at each other at times, sometimes even what seems like an all out fight between them. We normally leave them alone, since the fights normally stops as fast as it starts. If it seems to violent, you can easily stop the fight, by grabbing each at the backs of their necks or collars and pull them apart, this is easy to do for SMALL Dogs.. Q. Any recommendation on good pekingese breeders in my area? A. The 100% Pekingese magazine 'the Orient Express' is FULL of great breeders, see below for their address. However, both the AKC and the Humane Society discourage using pet stores as a resource. Both organizations are concerned about "puppy mills", where dogs are bred solely for the profit with no concern for health & genetic issues, and usually no concern for the environment of the breeding dogs & puppies. The Humane Society recommends not purchasing ANY dog supplies from a pet store that deals in puppies, because their usual source is these puppy mills. Pet stores are also less concerned about the environment to which the puppy is going (more "impulse" pet purchases), and are therefore perceived as contributing to the pet overpopulation. I would hesitate pointing anyone to a pet store for that reason. I would suggest that they contact a local breed club (which I've included some of them below), or visiting a dog show and speaking to exhibitors following the show. Q: How can I evaluate a dog that I'm looking at purchasing? A: EDUCATE YOURSELF! This can be a long process. This is done by visiting dog shows, breeders, reading anything you can. You will learn what features you personally like - color (gray, fawn, black, white), facial features (more wrinkle, less wrinkle, bigger head, smaller head), size. The Pekingese breed have a pretty large spectrum of things that are all acceptable, but differences that you may have a personal preference towards. When you inquire about a specific dog, be sure to visit the kennel or home where the dog was raised. This will give you an idea of the care given to the pup - are the kennels clean? Are the dogs happy? Meet the parents of the pup. This will give you an idea of what kind of temperament to expect from this pup. See how the pup interacts with other dogs at the kennel or home. Resist the impulse to buy the first dog you see - all of them are adorable! The more you see, the more knowledgeable you will be about the dog you elect to make a member of your family. Q. I want to breed my pekingese, but my male is over 18lbs, should I use him? A. Please check out the 'Breeds Standards' again. If you care about the breed and improving the breed, thing I would say NO, do not use that male. If you feel you must breed your pekingese then find the best stud you can like one that has finished (a Champion) and use them. Also not that breeding and raising puppies, and finding good homes for the puppies is ALOT of work. Plus remember all of the unwanted dogs in today's shelters. Please breed responsibly, or spade or neuter. Q. What can I do for Eye stains or watery eyes? A. For our white Peke, I remember she used to have bad eye stains, But not anymore. I remember one Vet saying you can try to keep the hair shaved by her eyes that that it does rub them, causing them to run so much Or surgery. Have you ever tried to get close to a Pekingese eyes with a shaver? Doesn't work at all! But Sugar decided to take care of her eyes her self. She will either rub her eyes on your pants, or on a rug/carpet in the mornings. It really does work, Thank God for Carpet Cleaners..... BUT our youngest Toby doesn't do this, and he does get watery eyes frequently. We have to use Eye Wipes by Premier Pet and if it's real bad we use an Eye Ointment with Vitamin A by Beaphar. This seems to work real well. IF the dog has continued problems, like above their eyes, they can start to loss hait their. When this has happened in the past, out Vet has us use a FLUSH and then TRI-OTIC ointment. Q. It's summer, what can I do to cool off my Pekes? A. Well an Air Condition works great, and Central A/C is even better. Or try a large Floor Fan or a couple of Floor Fans. Also brush you Peke frequently to remove extra fur or loose hair. Some people give their Pekes a summer hair cut, But we have NEVER done this is and will not ever do this, since their hair also shields your peke from the sun/heat.. But others swear that it helps. Also others use 'Ice Packs' like the ones you use in coolers to keep food cold. Some Pekes love these and will sleep on them to keep cool, we tried this once, and none of our dogs liked them. Q. Do Pekes get freq bladder infections? A. We have had one male and one mfemale with UTI or Bladder Infections. As with humans, it seems the female Peke has a higher rate of bladder infections We normally check them when the dog starts urinating more frequently or in the house. Note: It's best NOT to watch your Vet get a urine sample, it's a needle through their skin into their bladder. Once it took about 6 weeks to get rid of a bladder infection from one of my females. She had numerous urine test and ultrasounds...After cultures they found 2 different forms of bacteria one was ecoli and something else. This helped to get her on the correct medicine once they know what kind of bacteria was causing her infection. There are a few things that can cause more frequent bladder infections, I'm sure your vet can tell you about.. Youe can be to try a different dog food, which can change the PH of the dogs urine to help prevent infections... Cranberry juice is said to help also... Q. How do I add eye drops without getting my fingers bite off. A. You can try to put the ointment on your finger and just scrap it off on the lower lid. Also find a nice corner you can stand your peke up in, and then add the drops, this has always worked for me. Also if it's just one eye, have your Peke laying on it's side with the effected eye up, and gently pull the lower eyelid down, and apply the eye drops. Q. I heard that my pure white puppy might turn to lite brown or off white? A. Pekingese have Puppy and and then Adult hair. Normally when the adult hair comes in after 6 months or so, the hair will be slightly different than the puppy hair colors. So you a white Peke puppy, has a good chance of turn off white, creme or tan, when their adult hair comes in. A 100% pure white peke is Extremely Rare. Q. I wanted to know if you could tell me how much it would cost to buy a peke pup. A. We do not sell Pekingese, but do recommend buying from a reputable breeder. Here in Washington, you can find pet quality pekingese for about $300-$400. But expect to pay $500 and UP for a show quality Peke like out little girl Peke 'SUMMER'. Some breeders to charge more for white. One of our friends has a female peke, who's father won the Pekingese group at Westminster at few years ago. Her puppies sell for $750 and up. Q. Could you tell me if the Pekingese sheds? A. Yes, they do shed. BUT it's a little complicated than that. Not all of our Pekes shed the same. Basically we feel that Pekingese shouldn't be given hair cuts, but show-off the beautiful hair that God gave them. This means that they do need to be brushed at least once a week, or more if possible. It's fun to brush your Peke, and it's a good way to spend with with them. If they do not get weekly brushing they will get matted hair that will need to be cut out. Pay special attention under ears, but don't forget their bellies and tails. We start brushing our pekes are puppies, and most seem to grow up and enjoy getting brushed.. Our little girl Peke 'SUMMER' actually gets EXCITED when I show her the comb or brush.... Q. Do you have any suggestions on what to do for dry scally skin on my peke? I currently use Sulfodene medicated shampoo & conditiner, but it doesn't seem to help much.Any suggestions would be appreciated. A. A few things can cause dry itchy skin, like an allergy to it's food or something else, could be too many baths. We had to change dog food in the past because one of our Pekes had a very bad skin reaction to Science Diet, Also our Vet recommends a good Oatmeal Shampoo. We also only give our Pekes a bath when they smell bad, which might be just once every 3-4 months at the most, too frequent shampoos can also dry out their skin. If nothing helps - time to visit your Vet. __________ Magazines: The Orient Express 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809-1604 100% Pekingese magazine, about 50-65 pages This is a GREAT, Full-Color Magazine, well worth the price. Web Site: Issued Monthly $65 per year 1st class $42 per year 3rd class $6 for a Sample Issue or Back Issues 941-858-3839 Phone 941-853-3624 Fax Clubs: Pekingese Club of America, Inc PCA has had a new secretary for a number of years. See below, as well as for the area clubs: AKC LICENSED PEKINGESE CLUBS as of 5/95 NATIONAL CLUB (Parent Organization) Pekingese Club of America (PCA) Leonie Schultz, Sec Rt. 1, Box 321 Bergton, VA 22811 AREA CLUBS Alleghany Pekingese Club Reba Namacher, Sec 924 Cimarron Dr Pittsburgh, PA 15235 Arizona Pekingese Club Patricia G. Parker, Sec 2225 W. Tanque Verde Dr. Chandler, AZ 85224 Canton Ohio Pekingese Club Joyce Lietze, Sec. 607 East Lincoln way Lisbon, OH 44432 Citrus Capital Pekingese Club Morris B. Payant, Sec 2725 N.W. 45th Pl Gainsville, FL 32605 Colony Pekingese Club of the Southern Tier Sonia Burnett, Sec 33 Lydia St Binghamton, NY 13905 Delta Pekingese Club Kathy Masilla, Sec 2 Cleveland Court Metairie, LA 70003 Derbytown Pekingese Club Catherine Schell, Sec/Treas PO Box 18374 Louisville, KY 40218 Evergreen State Pekingese Club Sandy Nelson, Sec. 10772 Peacock Ln Burlington,WA 98233 Houston Area Pekingese Club Jean N. Pennell, Sec 7809 Kathryn Rd. Needville, TX 77461 Imperial Pekingese Club of Greater Flint Harrison D. Vielle, Sec 12016 Davison St, Box 135 Davison, MI 48423 North Central Illinois Pekingese Club Robert Jackson, Rt 1 2829 N 32nd Rd. Four Winds Farm Seneca,IL 61360 Pekingese Club of Alabama Marsha C. Allison, Sec 1816 Young Farm Rd Montgomery, AL 36106 Pekingese Club of Central California Victoria Powell, Sec 6563 Rocky Lane Paradise CA 95969 Pekingese Club of Georgia Leslie M. Dees, Sec 2109 Springlake Rd NW Atlanta, GA 30305-3926 Pekingese Club of New Jersey Lorraine Moran, Sec 266 Warwick Ave Teaneck, NJ 07666 Pekingese Club of Texas Don Sutton, Sec 507 South Manus Dr Dallas, TX 75224 Rose City Pekingese Club Bessie M. Pickens, Sec 15300 SE Laurie Ave Portland, OR 97267 ____________ PEKE STORIES Peke story: ________ Berverly My mother had two half-brother pekes (same dad, different moms). Chin is sleeve-size and Ming is standard. Chin loves milk bones, Ming only wants one because Chin is getting one, and will often put his bone down. Chin promptly tries to take Ming's bone and is pounced on by his much larger brother. Once, Chin ate his own bone, ran to the fence, and started barking (at nothing). Ming ran to join him in the commotion, and Chin immediately returned and snarfed up Ming's bone. Ming didn't notice the 'theft'! I thought that was some mighty good planning on Chin's part; who says dogs don't think? _______________ Robin Carlstrom I have two six year old pekes, Giz-Mo & Tippy. They've been together since they were 12 weeks old. They love to "rumble" with each other. Tippy is a very ladylike female, until she gets going with Giz. He can bowl her over (and does!) They will spend hours chewing on each other. When Giz gets too rough, Tippy will give a little whimper. At that, ever considerate and caring Giz-Mo stops and looks very concerned at Tippy. Here, the ladylike Tippy seizes the opportunity and attacks him!! I wonder if he'll ever learn.....
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